building in sunset

Physical security systems for critical infrastructure protection

Are AI-controlled access systems the future of security?

WORLD'S FIRST: High-security bi folding gate

Maximum protection against vehicle impacts - minimum interference with road construction

With an impact-resistant folding wing gate, ZABAG revolutionises the usual market approach to the realisation of increased access protection, which is required in the area of critical infrastructure.

Urban safety concept in Trier

Trier wants to better protect its city centre from acts like the rampage about ten months ago. To this end, work began on Monday on the implementation of the urban security concept.

Zabag "on tour"

The most important tip for a sunny working day... Always keep a cool head!

announcement of a price adjustment

Triggered by the Covid 19 pandemic, we are currently seeing a shortage of raw materials and components in many sections. This is leading to steadily increasing procurement times and costs. As a result, we are also facing increased expenses for production and transport and we will have to make a price adjustment for all orders placed after 1st August 2021.